Thursday, June 6, 2013

Letter To Future Math Analysis Student

Dear Future Math Analysis Student, 
 To have the most successful year possible in your future math analysis class be ready to adapt to change. You have to go into the classroom expecting things to be different and keep a positive attitude. You should no give up simply because you do not like the flipped classroom method. Start the year off right by doing your work on time and take advantage of your class time to complete assignments like student problems or WPP's. With such a filled agenda of work for the class, you should plan accordingly to complete all your assignments on time. It can be tough to manage if you have sports and have late practice, so you should complete some assignments early when you have free time. Also, if you work very efficiently in class you should never have any extra work besides watching the next concept. Make sure to come to class prepared every day by watching the videos and completing the wsqs. I think that if you do all your work, and plan out your busy weeks, you should survive math analysis. 
Adjusting to the flipped classroom is essential. You will need to take on responsibility for your own learning. So you must watch every video lesson everyday before class and pause and rewind during a lesson when you do not understand. It is not like a traditional classroom and you will not be able to get help right away, you should ask questions in class the next day. Also, ask classmates around you, everyone is there to help you. For the flipped classroom, you are required to film yourself solving a problem for student videos or WPP's. You should get familiar with using a basic camera or an ipod that will be available to you in class.  Also, if you do not have a filming device at home, make sure to plan to use one during class. Do not be shy when making your videos and make sure to speak clearly. The first video will most likely be the hardest to do because you may find it a bit weird, but soon you will have a blog filled with almost 20 self created videos of you solving problems. Make sure that you have a reliable internet connection or plan to use the schools internet when you need to submit something online. 
The flipped classroom will be very different from your previous math classes because you are responsible for your own learning. You will not sit in class and take notes on a concept, you will have guided SSS packets that you will complete every night while watching the video. Also, you will most likely never have homework for this class besides watching the lesson video. Opposed to traditional classrooms, you will do most of your work during class. Also, this class has quite a bit more work than previous math classes so be ready to work hard. You will definitely go deeper into math concepts and understand where things come from and why we do certain things in math. Also, you will create your own blog that is a online portfolio of blog posts and self created videos that explain math concepts.

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